Death of a Salesman Reflection

Death of a Salesman Reflection

Critical Thinking:

During Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller it really made me think about the different conflicts in the story. I analyzed Willy’s definition of the American Dream and thought about what my own idea of the American Dream would be. I realized that Willy’s idea of it was unrealistic and it was something that he couldn’t accomplish, no matter how hard he tried. I really had to think if the American Dream can be accomplished and I think that if someone sets a goal and works hard enough to achieve it then anything can be possible. On another note, throughout the story we talked about the role of women and it really made me question how women were portrayed back then. I have realized that the portrayal of women has come a long long way since then. Nowadays women are allowed to have voices and opinions and even though not everyone agrees with that, we are still progressing and becoming more diverse. By reading the play the Death of a Salesman if made me think, question and investigate the different conflicts and what the American Dream means.



By reading the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller it allowed me to communicate with others. By discussing the different conflicts in the story, talking about our ideas of the American Dream and acting through a couple of scenes in the play that talk about the portrayal of women. By doing the different discussions in class it helped to engage with others and interpret the different scenes in the play. For example when I first read about Willy’s flashbacks I was a little confused about what was real and what was Willy’s version of reality. By talking to my fellow peers we discussed what was happening and managed to figure out what was happening and read through it. Also my working on the podcast it helped me and my partner communicate by deciding what questions to do, what we wanted to focus on and how we were going to get it done. Overall reading this play has improved my communication skills by helping me to talk about problems in the play with others, discuss different topics with my peers, and ask for help from anyone if I don’t understand something that happened.

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