Chilli Cook-Off Lab Reflection

I enjoyed this lab because I liked how each group got to pick their own chilli recipe and how we got to experiment with the kind of chilli’s we made. Our group worked well by each finding a different recipe and then deciding which one we wanted to make. We named our chilli, Saucy Chill Chilli. It turned out really good with a spicy build up, so the end taste was just the right amount of spicy. It was fun to make and pretty easy because it didn’t take that long to cook and it was fun to just dump a bunch of ingredients in at once and I really liked cooking the chilli. My grouped worked really well together by dividing the jobs that needed to be done so that everyone was doing something. I was really happy with the end product. We got 2nd place which was really fun and just having the judges there made the whole event super fun. Even though they weren’t judging us on our cheese briad we got complimented on it and said it was very good.  I was happy with the end product but if I had to do it again I would not add as much spice because I am not a big fun on spicy food. Overall the chilli worked out really well and I enjoyed doing this lab.


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