Science 10 Honours – 3D Data Visualization Project (New Cancer Cases in Canada in 2021)

3D Visualization Project


I used the data of new cases of cancer patients in 2021 in Canada. I used relevant element and design to effectively convey the information. My goal was to clearly distinguish the severity levels in each province. To determine a province with the highest rates of new cases, I calculated the percentages by dividing the number of new cases by the populations of each province.

Problem Statement:

How can I visually represent the percentage of new cancer cases and effectively compare which province had the highest rate in 2021?

Why I chose this element:

I chose this element because I wanted to show the audience which province needs most support and help to combat cancer. It is important to analyze cancer statistic because cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada. Cancer occupies 28.2 per cent of the deaths in Canada. Approximately there were 229,200 new cancer cases in Canada in 2021. It is a serious problem because 2 in 5 Canadians are expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Canada’s productivity loss caused by cancer is between $75 million to $317 million per year. Since cancer results loss of economic resources, lowering incidence rates will play a huge role in Canada’s economy.

Why I chose this design:

I chose this design to visually appeal the audience. I effectively showed the severity levels of cancer in each province by using different tones of colours. I painted the provinces in various saturations based on their rates. I made the design as simple as possible to make the audience to grasp the idea quickly without any confusions. Moreover, I made a cancer cell with clay to increase aesthetic impact on the project. I used a contrasting colour to emphasize the cancer cell. I also wrote the exact number of new cancer cases in 2021 beside the model to show how many people were diagnosed cancer.


(11 x 17) papers, cardboard, paint, brushes, ruler, scissors, knife, glue, hot glue, pen, pencil, crayon, and clay.

My process:

1. Print Canada map.

2. Carve cardboard provinces

3. Paint with different tones of colours

4. Glue them on a carboard

5. Add details (Final Product) – Depth of colours represent the severity of cancer cases compared to provinces’ populations.


Original Data



Core Competency (T-Creative and Critical Thinking):

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