Community Connections

Da-Run Jeong (Artist/Author/Animator) 

For my Community Connection Assignment, I decided to interview my cousin who is an animator/author/artist. She graduated Sejong university, which is one of the top universities for art in Korea. She received scholarship from the university not only because she was expert at art, but also, she had outstanding marks in her school.  She had applied for many drawing contests during her university years. One of the most worthwhile awards that she received was National Grand Prize for Ani-force Contest. She is now currently working in Red Dog Culture House animation studio in Korea, and her responsibilities include drawing, animating, supervising, and creating stories for the animations. Especially when she makes animation with others, she takes specific scenes from the entire animation.

I chose to interview my cousin because she was the closest artist that I knew. I thought I could communicate with her efficiently than other artists. Drawing was always the activity that I enjoyed and has developed my artistic sense. She was the person who I often asked for some advice when I draw. She inspired and encouraged me through the advice which developed my insight for art. I expand my artistic knowledge by viewing my cousin’s posts and artworks in her blog.

I connected with Da-Run by using Outlook. We used our e-mails to contact each other.

Since the respond was Korean, I had to translate it from my own words.

  1. Why are you passionate about your job or role?

Word “Animation” is originated from Latin word “Anima”, which means the breath of life. Animation is a process that makes character alive and actualize impossible actions. I really love this process and feel satisfaction when people enjoy my animation even if it is a short clip. I think inspiring and impressing people from artwork is the most happiness for artists.

(My cousin’s short animation by herself)


  1. What obstacles have you faced to get you where you are today?

Anything but especially completing something. I think success cannot be happen if it did not have experience of fail. A piece of artwork requires lots of efforts and many failures. People who have jobs about creating, making, building something will concur to this step and this course might be the hardest part.

Person Rock Climbing

  1. What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

As I said on the above, putting effort to complete anything is the most important part of my job. I know that everyone wants to create a perfect work. So, they will hesitate longer and starting might delay even farther.

I want to advise them that we do art because we are not perfect. It is not only applied to art, but we desire perfectness and create new ideas because we are not flawless. Try to get out of the mind creating outstanding work. Even if its scribble or not, you will eventually achieve your goal if you endeavor.

Goal Lettering Text on Black Background

  1. Would you be open to further contact from Riverside students and if so, how can someone contact you?

They can contact through my email or SNS.





  1. When was the hardest slump from your job? What happened?

Animation that I participated did not broadcast and shown. As an animator, I did not get affect extremely, but it was incident that made me realize Korea’s reality of animation. The investment for the animations has decreased based on 2003 Korean animation, “Wonderful Days” which caused Korea to become inadequate condition for making animation. Most of the Korean animation company is creating animation based on OEM’s. I am also working on OEM-oriented animations. I think this is a sad reality in Korea.

However, internet media such as YouTube and Netflix are getting entertaining, the investment for animation is gradually changing. I believe that people’s perspective of the animations will change in the near future.

Small little changes will gather up and bring a big change.

Person Holding Space Gray Iphone 5

  1. What do think your greatest achievement was? Why?

After I finish completing animation, I feel achieved when I see finished animation in the theater with others. Animation is not a job that can do alone. Cooperating with my co-workers and undergo succeeds and fails are the most happiness to me.

Silhouette of Man Raising His Hands

  1. Did any acts from your childhood prepare you to become an artist? If so, what kinds of acts or experiences?

I practiced Croquis drawing (It is quick sketch of live model) a lot when I was young. I remember I practiced nonstop even when I ride subway and sit on a bench.

I think I improved a lot by observing thoroughly what I see.

Close-up of Hand over White Background

  1. How do you expand your creativities or get ideas from?

I listen to music and imagine a situation that can fit well on this rhythm. The lyrics of the music often inspired me to get ideas. Also, I find what I like and want to draw through self-examination.

If author keep digs what he/she like or prefer, it can be the author’s own identity. If you think of any author when someone suggest you a word, that is a successful author.

Black Cassette Tape on Top of Red and Yellow Surface


After interviewing my cousin, I realized that animator is not an easy job and it requires huge efforts. Since drawing was only hobby for me, I thought jobs about art were simple and fun to have, but it was opposite. I noticed my cousin desired to become an animator and her endeavor shaped her future. She told me that any job needs striving to succeed even though it is a trivial job. I was fueled by her responses about her journey and got more interested in art. I realized having experience of participating and receiving awards from the contests can be benefit for the artists. Therefore, I applied for a “Youth Remembrance Day” poster contest. I am still looking forward to seeing result.

This assignment helped me to get better understanding for my future career. I will consider my future dream deep and wide.

Here are few artworks that my cousin created:




One of the animations that she participated:




Photo Citations:

4 thoughts on “Community Connections

    • Thank you so much for helping my assignment. It was a pleasure to interview you!

  1. Thank you for submitting your Community Connection assignment for COL. We have reviewed your Edublog post, and have the following observations regarding your work:

    – Great job interviewing someone and seeking out information regarding their expertise
    – Way to incorporate your answers on your edublog
    – Thanks for going the extra mile on this assignment. This is a great example of a connection!

    Thank you,

    Mr. Barazzuol and Mr. Robinson
    COL Teachers

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