
Ask – The questions that I needed to ask to know what Osmium is:

  • What are the properties of Osmium?
  • How did Osmium discover?
  • Is Osmium used for jewelers?
  • What are unique facts about Osmium?
  • Is Osmium dangerous element or can it become dangerous if it combines with another element?
  • What are some common uses of Osmium?

Acquire – Digital tools that I used to gather this information:

  • Google scholar
  • YouTube
  • Microsoft Academic
  • worldbookonline.com
  • Creative Common Search
  • Citation Machine

Analyze – How I got my information and cited my sources:

  • The process that I used to keep tracking the cites that I used to gain knowledge of my element was writing down the URL of the cites on separate word document when I get information from them. Afterwards, I have putted these URL to the citation machine to make them neat and tidy MLA format. I also used same technique to the pictures.
  • I did not copy and paste the articles. I made my paragraph with my own words and sophistications. I analyzed the element that I choose thoroughly and deeply.

Assess – The result of my process and improvement that I could have made.

  • I followed my process and assignment criteria paper completely and systematically. I have answered all the questions and followed instruction step-by-step, but I felt inadequate because I could have written more fun facts about my element or details. This assignment motivated and inspired me about scientific elements. I got curious about other elements on the periodic table which made me busy finding. Through several research, I got better understanding about the Osmium and the technique that I used to process and organize my Sway will help me researching or investigate new elements. I will enhance my skills to move forward and will be fixing errors methodically to use this efficiently in my future.

2 thoughts on “Osmium

  1. Excellent information fluency post. I really like how you have found some great sub-questions to lead you to get a well-rounded perspective on osmium. You have done a great job sharing the digital tools you used and citing your sources. Good debrief on your product and process as well!

    • Thank you!
      My sub questions were from my curiosity and also I already knew what my element was before I started this project. For example, I thought using Osmium into decorations or jewelry was impossible because this is such a precious element on earth, but it actually could for replacing diamond. I remember watching video in grade 8 about Osmium when its heated, and that video was very interesting that I had question “What happen if I heat Osmium?” even though I already knew the result. Some of the questions were the questions that I always had about the elements in periodic table.

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