Category: Capstone

community connections

  • what is the volunteer job?
  • where and is the  volunteer job?
  • why does this experience appeal to you?
  • how could you benefit from this experience?
  • how can you get involved?,-BC

Volunteer position: at the Animal Hospital in Burnaby, located at Kingsway.

1. I chose a volunteer position at the Animal Shelter located at Kingsawy  Barnaby,

2. This position located at the animal Hospital in King sway Barnaby,
3. I chose this position because, I enjoy helping animals and learning new things.
4. I could benefit from this experience by, being in a new environment and learning new skills that are connected to a Veterinary Clinic.
5. My responsibilities within the position include, walking the dogs cleaning after them, cleaning the surrounding environment and playing with the animals.