If you want to be perfect in this world there is some things you’ll have to do.
You’ll have to get good grades like your parents always told you to.
You can’t stay up late; you can’t ever have fun.
You must stay in shape, so go for a run.
You must be flawless, there is no room for error.
You want to be perfect no doubt.
So please don’t even try to see what life’s about.
Never push the limit or try a little harder than someone else
Ok? Just be average don’t ever be yourself.
Being happy isn’t all that it’s supposed to be, who needs it when you’re perfect.
People try so hard just to be a part of the social “norm”.
You won’t be original in any way, shape or form.
You’ll try to be perfect, everyone does
It’s just human nature, it’s just because.
The feeling of perfection won’t ever be achieved.
We all try so hard, for what, why?
Who are we trying to impress? Another girl or some guy?
Perfection seems nice, it looks kind of cool.
Yea, but perfection itself is pretty cruel.
There’s no one in this world that’s perfect.
Perfection’s something that everyone tries to be.
However; It’s a feeling you’ll never receive.
You won’t ever be perfect until you’re happy with who you are.
You won’t be perfect so stop pushing so far.
Because in reality, perfection doesn’t exist.