Angel man syndrome story
Part 1
My host Mya was doing alright until the deletion or inactivation of my genes on the maternally inherited chromosome 15. This caused Mya many problems. Since I’m a neurodevelopment disorder there are many complications, one causing my host many physical and internal challenges. The challenges I caused included seizures, hand-flapping, frequent laughter or smiling and I can even disturb Mya’s sleeping schedule.
I’ve made Mya’s life very difficult. I’ve made it incredibly hard for my host to sleep and I have also caused Mya to have to go to a special school where my host can get the extra help and attention that she deserves. Mya also has trouble speaking and can rarely pronounce words properly.
Mya’s life expectancy is also very pour due to me. Unfortunately, she won’t ever be able to get rid of me.
Part 2
In the process of my story I had many things to ask myself and research. I found this website:
This website was really helpful and had all the information in one spot. The website was last reviewed on; 06/09/16 it cited its sources and was very helpful. When one this website I looked at the symptoms and what some ones life would be like with angelman syndrome. I could’ve spent more time on each question of part 1 but I’m happy with the way my project turned out.