HCE 9 – English Assignment

Bird’s Eye View

A poem written by Hannah Fedje inspired by “It’s A Bird,” created by Christian Cooper.

A summer sun, high above the rich trees

The passing breeze cards through ruffled feathers

The forest breathed life with chirps and screeches

But a woman passes by, with the hate she preaches


It’s unfair, you did nothing wrong

But what could stop this bird from singing her angry song?

The colour of your feathers was never your choice

But the blue jays would listen to the one with the favoured voice


You think of your mother, sleeping in her nest

All you’d give for her to hold you tightly in her chest

Time wears thin, it’s time to choose

Will you be the next story on the news?


In a moment’s decision, I shake my head

I turn away and watch the trees instead

Her voice is loud in my ear

But I decide not to hear


A summer sun, high above the rich trees

The passing breeze slows to a stop

A sparrow leaps from branches atop

The forest is awake, and the birds take flight

Through the leaves, a crack of light