Core Competency Reflection — EFP11

When did you analyze your own beliefs and consider something new? When did you try a new way of doing something? Was it successful? What would you do differently next time?

I analyzed my own beliefs to consider something new when we were covering the literary circle novel study unit. I connected my own experiences to the novel and the beliefs and values in the novel study to my own beliefs and values. I tried a new way of doing something during the smudge ceremonies where I smudged with sage instead of all of the sacred medicines. It was very successful and I felt very cleansed after. If I were to do it again the next time, I would do it with all of the sacred medicines.

Core Competencies — EFP 10/11 2022

This year in English First People’s 10/11, I wrote an essay on the lasting effects of colonization and connected my points to Tanya Tagaq’s novel “Split Tooth” and Leanne Betasamosake Simpson’s poem “i am graffiti.” I displayed creative thinking skills throughout the essay, tying together my points nicely and making sure that the essay had flow. I was very efficient with my time throughout the semester and I made sure I handed my projects and assignments in on time.

I have learned much about indigenous people’s struggles, successes, and culture. An indigenous way of knowing and being that I can connect my learning to is that learning is connected to the land, culture, and spirit. This course has been a learning journey for me, and I look forward to taking it again.

EFP – Forest Walk Response


Here is a photo of the cedar tree — also known as the Tree of Life. Its long leaves are waterproof and it was used often to make blankets and rope. It was and still is used on top of houses and inside buildings.


This is a thimbleberry leaf. The plant is very soft and can be used as toilet paper if you have nothing else. It’s recognizable by its light green colour and it’s maple leaf shape.


This is a plantain, but Mr. Cowie called it the bandaid plant. It’s used as a medicine and has the same type of texture as a bandaid. There is a thinner and longer version, and it can wrap around your finger.


This is a dandelion leaf. It’s edible and bitter, though it can keep you going if you don’t have anything else to eat. The entire dandelion is edible as well, and it can help with digestion.

Mr. Cowie’s teachings helped me understand the land and the nature around me deeply, and I learned many new things that I hadn’t known before. The stories about the tree of life and the mouse that hid the gift of life in humanity’s hearts were very interesting. I always love listening to storytellers, and elders who share their stories.