Week 3 – Precalculus – Simplifying Expressions

Hello! This week I wanted to go over evaluating each expression and writing each answer as an integer or a fraction. This was something that I struggled with at the beginning, but after receiving clarification, I wanted to explain it to anyone else that may be struggling with it.

Say you wanted to evaluate the expression [( \frac{5}{6} )^{-3} ]^{\frac{2}{3}} .

Looks pretty intimidating, right? But I will walk you through the steps to evaluating this expression and by the time I finish explaining, this will be a whole lot simpler.

Let’s take a look at the fractional exponents. Consider the Power Rule of exponents ( ex. ( (2^{2})^3 — 2 and 3 would be multiplied to yield 6, which would make 2^{6} ) . If we apply the Power Rule of exponents to this expression, we should be able to evaluate this expression.

Simplify the two fractional exponents first. -3 is equivalent to \frac{-3}{1} . This helps me when I am multiplying the fractional exponents together. When we’re multiplying fractions, remember to multiply across.

\frac{-3}{1} multiplied by \frac{2}{3} yields \frac{-6}{3} .

Now, let’s take a look at this fractional exponent. Is there any way that we can simplify it further and make evaluating this expression easier for us? Well, by taking a look at \frac{-6}{3} , we can realize that 3 can divide in to -6 twice, which gives us -2.

So, now we have ( \frac{5}{2} )^-2 . A negative exponent just means that the base is on the wrong side of the fraction line, so we want to flip the base to the other side to create a reciprocal, which turns that negative exponent in to a positive exponent. Now we have \frac{6}{5} )^2 .

Now that we have a positive exponent, our base is on the right side of the fraction line, we can apply the positive exponent to \frac{6}{5} . This will give us \frac{36}{25} , which is our final answer.

Let’s try another question.

[( \frac{17}{25} )^{-5} ]^{\frac{2}{5}} divided by [( \frac{17}{25} )^{6} ]^{\frac{-1}{3}} .

First, simplify the two fractional exponents on both sides. -5 is equivalent to \frac{-5}{1} and 6 is equivalent to \frac{6}{1} . Multiply across, \frac{-5}{1} multiplied by \frac{2}{5} and \frac{6}{1} multiplied by \frac{-1}{3} . The first pair will give us \frac{-10}{5} , which we can simplify to -2, and the second pair will give us \frac{-6}{3} which we can also simplify to 2.

Here, we can flip the bases to their reciprocal. Your equation should look like this: ( \frac{25}{17} )^2  divided by ( \frac{25}{17} )^2 .

Now, take a look at both sides. Notice they are the exact same. From here, we know that the expression will simplify down to 1 on both sides, and 1 divided by one will equal 1, which is our final answer.

I hope this helps!

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