The song I chose to represent my poem is “To Build A Home” by The Cinematic Orchestra. I like the song because I feel as if it matches my poem perfectly. It is about my uncle passing away and the song starts off really nice and slow by talking about how the singer feels at home in the place he is in. That is how I felt when I was with all of my family, everything was great and being with them was the best place I could be. Then the song starts speeding up, this is when the tension builds up in the big house, when we hear the screaming of my aunt. We don’t know what has happened but we are running to find out. The singer then sings about how his “home” has disappeared and that it’s time to leave, when we found out what had happened and that my uncle had taken a fall, the comfort we felt in that house was gone, we didn’t feel “at home” anymore just like the singer suggested. The song starts to slow down, we all return home and everything is well for now, until we get the call that he died and he didn’t wake up from his coma. We all fly out for his funeral. In the song there is a line, “When the gust came around to blow me down, I held on as tightly as you held on to me.” This represents all of us coming together and being a family. We will never forget my uncle and even though we all have to move on, his memory will live in us forever. The song builds up again and this is all of my family becoming a home again and moving forward together. We had built a stronger bond than ever and we continue to grow closer each day.