Category: Grade 10
Rube goloberg machine
Energy transfers & Energy forms: 3 energy transfers: 1. Mechanical to chemical (dominoes hitting the cup of baking soda into the vinegar) 2. Mechanical to light (dominoes hitting the weight to make the microbit drop and light up) 3. Mechanbical to sound (dominoes hitting the weight to make the microbit drop and play music) 5…
Science is Magic – Reflection
To complete this project I was required to use my communication core competency. When we first started this project, we were put into groups to work together and come up with ideas for our project. This meant that we would have to communicate with our partners and come up with an idea. After coming up…
Astronomy Wonder project
“It is human nature to stretch, to go, to see, to understand. Exploration is not a choice really; it’s an imperative” (Michael Collins) Since the beginning of space exploration we, as mankind, have wanted to go further and explore more of what is out there in space. To explore galaxies, planets, and more. During this…
Genetics lab – Science 10 Honours
3D Data Visualization – Science 10 Honours
Our project: For our project we chose to show the number or prescribed opioids in Canada to the number of overdoses per age group. We chose this idea because for our original plan we couldn’t find any data sets and stumbled upon the graph of prescribed opioids per age group, from there we came up…
CLE – Digital Autobiography
My Digital Autobiography Presentation: My Notes:
Paper airplane inquiry – Science 10 Honours
Our Investigation: We tested whether the size of the planes wings affects the distance that it will travel. We have done this by constructing 3 different models that are the same size and weight but have different wing spans. Background Information: Larger wings move more air, this means that it’ll fly farther If the wings…
Core compentcy #2 – Math 10 Honours
Reflection: In this task I showed me ability solve by taking in information that was laid out in a table and solve for and unknown speed. In the question we were asked to solve the variables for how long it would take a car to break in wet and dry road conditions. I interpreted this…