Rube goloberg machine

Energy transfers & Energy forms:

3 energy transfers:

1. Mechanical to chemical (dominoes hitting the cup of baking soda into the vinegar)

2. Mechanical to light (dominoes hitting the weight to make the microbit drop and light up)

3. Mechanbical to sound (dominoes hitting the weight to make the microbit drop and play music)

5 forms of energy:

1. Chemical (the baking soda & vinegar mixing)

2. Light (The mircobit falling)

3. Sound (The microbit falling)

4. Mechanical (the dominoes falling)

5. gravitaional (the cion flipping)

The steps explained:

A – A phone will be placed on the incline plane and slide down towards the dominoes 

B – The phone will hit the dominoes where it will become and other path towards a rubber bounce ball

C – The bouncy ball will be hit by the dominoes and roll forwards towards the cup filled with baking soda

D – The cup of baking soda will be knocked off of the counter by the boncy ball and cause the baking soda cup to fall into a bowl filled will vinegar to create a chemical reaction.

E – The original path of dominoes will fall towards a second bouncy ball

F – The bouncy ball will roll forwards towards another chain of dominoes

G – The path of dominoes will be hit with the rubber ball and fall forward to hit a cardboard lever

H – The lever will be hit by the dominoes and flip the coin off of the lever to make it heads or tails

I – The path of dominoes that was hit by the second ball will split off towards a weight

J – The dominoes will hit the weigh which holds up a string attached to the microbit on the pulley, pushing it off will release the microbit and make it produce sound and light energy

The steps:


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