Computer studies core competencies

My Project:


Core competency:

The project I chose to use for my core competency reflection is my minimal Vector Portrait. In this assignment we needed to take a picture of ourselves and make a spin-off of our selves in adobe illustrator. I Worked hard to make a realistic portrait of myself and am happy with the results I got. I think that this project challenged my creative thinking. This was because the picture of our selves needed to be realistic and unique. When doing this project we needed to trace and duplicate half of everything.  At first it was a little challenging but as I stared working with it more and adding more details to my portrait it became fun and easy. After making many different layers for the head, hair, mask, headband, sunglasses and all of the remaining details I ended up with my portrait of myself. The portrait also shows a few things about the things I like and the person I am. In my portrait I use the color black and blue a lot. This is because those are my favorite colors and are wore by me a lot. the other thing this portrait shows about me is that I don’t like going out of my comfort zone or being with people I don’t know. This is shown by the sunglasses and mask that hide my face from being seen. I really enjoyed doing this project and hope we do many more like this in the future.

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