To complete this project I was required to use my communication core competency. When we first started this project, we were put into groups to work together and come up with ideas for our project. This meant that we would have to communicate with our partners and come up with an idea. After coming up with an idea we would have to write a script, fill out worksheets and film, this all required communication to effectively be done. From this project I can gather and combine new evidence with what I already know to develop reasoned conclusions, judgements, or plans. When conducting research, I noticed that Salt and ice would be put together and using my past knowledge of how salt melts ice and the new information I gathered I came to the conclusion that the ice and salt combination helped make the milk ice cream. I am open minded and patient, taking the time to explore, discover, and understand. When I was conducting research of how our ice cream would form without a freezer, I didn’t understand how it would work and was having difficulty finding how it works. From here I explored more and eventually found how this experiment worked. I can take risks and recognise that I may not immediately be successful. When we were mixing the ice cream at first it didn’t look like it was forming and we thought that it may not work, but I soon realised that even though we weren’t immediately successful after giving it time in between mixing it began to form and made ice cream. From this project I have learned a lot about how chemical reactions are in everyday objects and our food such as ice cream. I really enjoyed conducting this experiment and hope that we do more projects like this in the future.