Astronomy Wonder project

“It is human nature to stretch, to go, to see, to understand. Exploration is not a choice really; it’s an imperative” (Michael Collins) Since the beginning of space exploration we, as mankind, have wanted to go further and explore more of what is out there in space. To explore galaxies, planets, and more. During this time, we have also faced many challenges that now help make the lives of astronauts easier and safer. Though we have faced many challenges in the development of space travel, one challenge still stays the effects of space on an astronaut’s health. Much research has been done by both NASA and the Canadian space agency on the effects of space and how we can prevent both physical and mental health risks in astronauts who travel to space. This is why I wonder, how does space travel positively and negatively affect the health of astronauts and what can we do to lower the health risks?

During space travel, many factors can positively or negatively affect astronauts’ health. Some negative factors include radiation from space, gravity fields, and close environments. The first factor that affects astronauts’ health is the radiation in space. On earth, we are protected from the harm of radiation through our atmosphere. Unlike on earth, space has no atmosphere to protect astronauts that are on missions from the high level of radiation in space. Due to radiation exposure, astronauts have been found to have cancer, radiation sickness, and heart diseases. One way that we protect astronauts from radiation is by using shields and monitoring astronauts for radiation in them. Currently, NASA is developing a new way to monitor radiation in astronauts more effectively. The second factor that affects the health of astronauts is gravity fields. During missions such as the mission to mars, astronauts will have to go through three different gravity fields, these being weightlessness before reaching mars, the gravity of mars, and earths normal gravity upon return. Though traveling through different gravity fields may seem harmless, “It affects spatial orientation, head-eye and hand-eye coordination, balance, and locomotion, with some crew members experiencing space motion sickness”(Kelli). The most affected part of the body during this time is your bones.  Due to the lack of gravity that there is in space, astronauts suffer minor or major health risks, such as bone loss. Per month, the average amount of bone density that astronauts lose is approximately 1% – 2%. Though this may seem like a very major health risk, it is only a minor consequence of space travel. To help slow down the process of bone loss, astronauts are instructed to do weight-bearing exercises. On earth, some examples of weight-bearing exercises are walking, going on jogs, and playing sports. Due to the lack of gravity, astronauts strap themselves to treadmills, to create the weight-bearing environment needed to help stay healthy. The last factor that affects their health is the close environment they need to stay in. Due to the close confinements that astronauts stay in on missions, they are at more of a risk to get illnesses or diseases from each other. This can prevent astronauts from getting essential work done. To prevent others from getting sick the air quality is checked, the air filters are changed, clean up surfaces of bacteria, and are advised to get flu shots. Though many negative health risks emerge from space travel, one factor positively affects them. During space travel, scientists have performed studies on astronauts before and after space travel and found that it helps with their mental health. Scientists found that before travel astronauts had high levels of stress, but later because of their environment were forced to adapt and were not stressed. Though many factors negatively affect the health of astronauts some effects can help their health.

              After researching and compiling information, I have found a conclusion to my inquiry question. Though space travel creates many negative health risks for astronauts such as radiation sickness, getting ill, and losing bone density, from this information we can learn more about space and how we can improve conditions for future astronauts to keep them safe. As technology advances, we can create safer means for astronauts to explore safely and helps us learn more about the galaxy around us.



8 thoughts on “Astronomy Wonder project

  1. This is very interesting! I think it’s very important to study how to increase the safety of astronauts because of how much they’re risking just to discover more information about the vast galaxy we’re in. It’s also even more important to honour their lives by using whatever went wrong during their research that we can improve on to keep future generations safe, some may be scared to join in this line of field due to maybe the lack of safety because of possible malfunctions so by further improving safety and decreasing health risks (maybe??), it’ll help people be more willing to join this field. This was fun to read and I’ll be honest, I didn’t know… most of this. 😁

  2. We would think that astronauts would not have many health risks because we send a lot of them into space. In reality, there are many health risks. This was an interesting question.

  3. Very cool Hanan! I’ve always found it interesting all the ways space travel can cause health problems for astronauts. This was a very informative post!

  4. Great job Hanan! It was really interesting to learn in depth of the impacts on astronaut’s health due to space travel. Really informative and fun to read.

  5. Fantastic! I liked how you incorporated quotes into your writing. I noticed there are some grammatical errors such as forgetting to capitalize certain names. Overall, a great post!

  6. THIS IS GREAT! I learned a lot. My question to you is can we create artificial gravity that is similar to Earth? That way, they can exercise better. 🙂

  7. This is super interesting to learn about! I also really liked the video you included it’s fascinating to see the effects space has on our bodies and chromosomes!!

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