English Honors 9 – Bento Box

Book bento:

For my book bento project I read The Chrysalids by Jhon Wyndham. It was a very interesting book that connected to the human conditions in many places. I think that this book relates to us now and how we judge others on how they act or how they look. I enjoyed this project a lot and hope we do more like this in the future.


This project challenged my critical and creative thinking. This challenged my critical thinking because I needed to be able to read the story, The Chrysalids, and analyze the text. Then after that I needed to write about different aspects of the story including the writer’s style, characterization, inquiry into the human condition, and other connections to the story. This also challenges my creative thinking. This is because being able to choose objects for the different parts of the story required creative thinking. I also needed to come up with quotes form the story that described the situation at the time. This was a very fun project and I hope we do many more like this in the future.


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