This is my group’s podcast on health in Indigenous and Aboriginal communities.
During this assignment I learned about the challenges and the fun parts of making a podcast. My group chose to research about health in indigenous and aboriginal communities. We learned a lot about the differences about the services offered to indigenous people and how they would heal themselves. During the research we found out about some sad things that the indigenous people have had to go through but overall, we had fun researching about this topic. A big challenge my group faced was the recording of the podcast. We needed to record our podcast 5-6 times because sometimes we messed up and couldn’t fix the mistake. Another challenge was the timing of our podcast. When recording we were having troubles with getting the right time. We kept on getting a podcast that was 5 minutes and 30 seconds or 5 minutes and 40 seconds but couldn’t get it to six minutes. After taking a deep breath and slowing down we got the podcast up to the 6 minutes mark. This project challenged my creative thinking core competency. This was because we needed to come up with a creative and unique script. We needed to portray our learning in a way that made it interesting to learn about. I had lots of fun doing this project and hope we do more projects like this in the future.
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