Tag Archives: #scilongmach

How to Pop a Balloon


The Birthday Surprise



How it works 

  1. Wind up frog pushes the car down the ramp
  2. car goes down ramp
  3. car hits the cup
  4. cup knocks the dominos over
  5. dominos push marble
  6. marble falls down a tube
  7. marble lands in a cup
  8. cup pushes the candle up and lights the string on fire
  9. string breaks and ball falls down from the corner of the counter
  10. ball pushes over the wood blocks
  11. wooden blocks push car and the car pops the balloon using the pin attached to the end of the car.

Types of energy transfers 

1.) Wind up frog = Potential Energy

2.) Lit candle= Thermal Energy

3.) Dominos falling= Kinetic Energy