Category Archives: Grade 9

Digital Foot print

Digital Footprint

My digital footprint can extremely effect my future. If I share pictures that aren’t appropriate on my social media account’s, they can be digital-footprint-e1401195518148shown to people who I don’t feel comfortable with seeing. Pictures that are not okay to post could affect how people think of me and can turn away potential jobs.

My digital footprint can affect my future because if I over share on my accounts it can give people the wrong idea, depending on what I share. If I over share my thoughts on a problem that can be debatable and my boss doesn’t approve of what I commented my boss can fire me just for my oversharing comment.  If I post a picture thats not appropriate theres always a way to find it again. Posting something dumb that you did while partying can damage your digital footprint.  embarrasing-photo-col



To keep my digital footprint safe, I can keep all of my settings on private. On my social media accounts I will only follow people I know and I can trust with my photos. I can also only post photos/videos that are definitely ok and won’t cause any problems for my future.


When I’m setting up accounts I can keep my personal details to myself. For example, if it asks for unnecessary information I can leave it blank. I don’t have to didgital-foot-print-imagefill in my last name or my gender for most websites.

When I don’t use my account as much as I used to I can delete it. By deleting an account, it will delete its data but it can still be traced even after deleting it. By deleting your account, it will be harder to find if it’s not active. Your digital footprint is permanent.

I learnt that you will have a digital footprint for the rest of your life so you should always be cautious of what your sharing. Over sharing online can have severe consequences and you can’t permanently ooooopsdelete anything online.


To share what I learned I can share a message about online safety on my accounts. When my friends ask me what picture they should post I can warn them and say they should always be 100% sure that this picture won’t do any damage to their future.

Questions About Polyvinyl Alcohol

Questions about Polyvinyl Alcohol
Question: What is Polyvinyl Alcohol used for?
Answer: It is used for eyedrops. This is a over the counter medicine. You can also find this in paper.

Question: What is the melting point for Polyvinyl Alcohol?
Answer: 230 C

Question: What is the formula for polyvinyl Alcohol?
Answer: (C2H4O)x

Question: What is the boiling point for Polyvinyl Alcohol?
Answer: 228 C

Question: What is Polyvinyl Alcohol soluble in?
Answer: Water.

Question: What does Polyvinyl Alcohol smell like?
Answer: Polyvinyl Alcohol is odourless.

Question: What does Polyvinyl Alcohol look like
Answer: It looks white.

Question: How much do eye drops that contain Polyvinyl Alcohol typically cost?
Answer: For a small bottle of drops it costs about $20