Category Archives: Grade 11

Synthesis Essay Corrections

Discrimination From Another Perspective


Unfortunately, we see discrimination often, whether it is in our community or in our place of work. Discrimination is extremely hurtful and it can be heartbreaking to know that it affects many individuals within our society. How does discrimination affect a person? The main characters of both presentations 50 Shades of Gay and Homecoming Kingface discrimination from society. The presenter of 50 Shades, iO Tillet Wright faces discrimination when applying for jobs or expressing homosexual behaviour. Whereas, the presenter of King Hasan Minhaj experienced discrimination when he was not allowed to take a Caucasian girl to prom, or when rocks were thrown at his family’s Camry after the 9/11 happened. Regardless of their differences they have both found ways to overcome discrimination and to be proud of their identity.Presenters Minhaj and Wright share their stories of discrimination through a Netflix comedy and a spoken word Ted Talk. Minhaj shares his story through a comedy of what it is like growing up with parents who are new to America. Minhaj has a lot of pressure to always maintain his parent’s high expectations and sometimes he fails to meet them. Minhaj experiences discrimination throughout his life and he once felt as if he had to prove his patriotism to society. Wright presents her spoken word in hopes to empower the LGBTQ community and to show others how one’s identity may be presented. Wright grew up in a family who is supportive of her identity and career choice. Wright lives in New York City; however she spends a lot of her time travelling around the world, to photograph people from the LGBTQ community. Wright hopes to better their lives and to help abolish the discrimination that they are faced with.

Society can discriminate others based on how one may identify themselves. When one displays homosexual behaviours or a non-conformist gender, they may be denied the rights to housing, jobs, marriage, or even the right to adopt. Society can pre judge individuals and discriminate them before getting to know who they truly are. Wright says, “ I met people who legally divorced their children for being other than straight,” (Wright, 11:57). What our society considers to be “normal” can have a negative influence on how one may think. Parents of children who aren’t attracted to the opposite sex may be brainwashed by our society to only think one way. A person’s own thoughts and opinions can be negatively influenced by not thinking for themselves and listening to the negativity that society is suggesting. Many individuals are constantly worried about others judging them and may not always express who they truly are. Those who have found their true identity and are brave enough to express it shouldn’t be discouraged to do so, they should be encouraged.  When meeting people for the first time we can be very judgemental. Wright explains, “We do this little interrogation when we meet people to make a mental resume,” (Wright, 00:28). As humans we can quickly judge others based on their identity and place them into boxes that they may or may not fit into. It’s unfair to many individuals because we may not always give someone a fair chance due to the stereotypes that society is telling us to believe.

Coming to a new country as an immigrant can be extremely difficult. Many may feel as if they deserve the discrimination that they are being faced with. Growing up with parents who are new to America can be challenging for Minhaj. His parents always have high standards and expectations for him. So wanting to take a Caucasian girl to prom was a very big ask from his parents. He knew he was going against his parent’s wishes. After preparing and planning for prom, Minhaj got on his bike and went to pick up Bethany at her house only to be turned away by her mother. Bethany’s mother said, “We have a lot of family back home from Nebraska and we are going to be taking photos, so we don’t think you’d be a good fit,” (Minhaj, 29:23). Because of the colour of Minhaj’s skin, Bethany’s mother didn’t want him to partake in any of the pictures that were being taken at her house. Although Minhaj and Bethany were very good friends at the time, Bethany’s mother was quick to judge and showed him away. This caused Minhaj to doubt his own self-worth and made him feel as if he deserved this kind of discriminatory behaviour. Despite being an American Citizen, Minhaj’s family felt as if they constantly had to prove their patriotism to society. Unfortunately, Minhaj’s family’s Camry was vandalized after 9/11  happened. Because of Minhaj’s family’s ethnicity they were specifically targeted. While cleaning up the shards of broken glass Minhaj’s father says, “You pay the American dream tax. You endure racism, and if it doesn’t cost your life, pay it,” (Minhaj, 43:51). Minhaj is being taught by his own father to accept the discrimination that he is being faced with, this may cause him to feel as if he constantly has to prove his patriotism to our society so he is accepted as an American, not a terrorist.

Throughout these hard times of being faced with discrimination both presenters Wright and Minhaj have found ways to overcome the discrimination. Growing up, Minhaj’s father always wanted him to find a good job and marry a Muslim woman. However, Minhaj never had the same mindset as his father. Minhaj’s father said, “Be a doctor, get a house in the burbs,”(Minhaj, 42:34).  Minhaj is now a successful comedian and is married to a Hindu woman, which is the complete opposite of what his father’s expectations were. Minhaj finds ways to overcome discrimination by writing about it in his comedy presentation and he educates others on how discrimination may negatively affect a person. Minhaj has discovered what makes him happy and doesn’t let what others may think stand in his way. Similarly, Wright finds ways to overcome discrimination by sharing her story on a Ted Talk. She educates us on how discrimination may affect one’s rights and how discrimination may affect a person within our society. Wright has made it her mission to travel around the world to take pictures of people who are part of the LGBTQ community. Wright wants to show everyone that we are all human and that there is no such thing as to what a gay person may look like. Wright says, “I hope it makes it harder to deny their human rights,” (Wright, 16:08). Wright has made it her objective to try to abolish the discrimination that LGBTQ people may be faced with. She has taken all of her own experiences and educates others on how these hurtful slurs can have a negative impact on a person.

In conclusion, both presenters, Wright and Minhaj have faced discrimination throughout their lives. The presenter of 50 Shades,Wright explains how others may face discrimination when applying for jobs or expressing homosexual behaviour. Whereas, the presenter of King, Minhaj experiences discrimination when he was not allowed to take a Caucasian girl to prom, or when rocks were thrown at his family’s Camry after  9/11 occurred. Regardless of their differences they have both found ways to overcome discrimination and to be proud of their identity. As a society we need to become more accepting of individuals and learn how to embrace others identity, so we can all be happy.


2 things proud of:

-I am proud of the points I made

– I am proud that I inserted my quotes correctly

2 things to Improve:

– I need to stick to my sources

-Pay more attention to punctuation



English 11 Reflections

I had a lot of fun in this class.  I really enjoyed the novel Fahrenheit 451. The story had many plot twists and it kept me intrigued throughout. I now have a better understanding of the negative effects censorship may have on our society.  I have a new respect for immigrants/ visible minorities after writing my synthesis essay. My favourite thing we did in this class was watch Homecoming King. I learned the struggles one may face when they are discriminated through a comedy. I was interested in watching it the whole time. I even made my sister watch it after.

Design Thinking

We created a welcoming environment/support group for immigrants.  We have words on the walls such as welcome, embrace, and pride to help support  immigrants.

For the design process we assigned roles to each member one person got the supplies while others cut, glued, and assembled. We worked together as a team  and listened to others ideas.

Some challenges we faced was having a time limit. I found it challenging not being able to plan ahead.




Identity Politics

 I think Joseph Boyden should be allowed to write stories about the Indigenous people of Canada because, he is honouring their story. Boyden’s stories are respectful towards the Indigenous people and in a way, he is empowering them by shining a spotlight on his writing. If Boyden was writing terrible things and being disrespectful of the Indigenous people, then I would defiantly say he should not continue his literature however, this is not the case and Boyden should continue to share his respectful stories.  

Coach Hailey

Ugh! Wednesday! I never liked Wednesdays, especially this one. The only thought that enters my brain is soccer. The face of my coach fills my head.  I can picture her mouth moving in slow motion; spit spewing out between her mucky teeth. Nervousness fills my body. “Mom! Please don’t make me go!” I pleaded.  “I won’t make the team anyways, what’s the point?” I doddle to my room and get dressed. I put on my best jersey, shorts, and socks and dash out the door.

Butterflies in my stomach doesn’t come close to what I’m feeling when I arrive at the field.

My friend Melissa shouts, “Hailey! You’re on my team today!” I’m starting to feel comfortable. I got this. Soccer is my second nature.I take a deep breath; my lungs fill with the rubbery scent of turf. My coach places the whistle between her crusty lips. Tweet! The game is on. My feet feel as if they’re stuck in mud. I stand there like a statue. Melissa has the ball and passes it right to my numb toes. My mind tells my feet to move but, my feet had a different opinion. Number ten swoops in and strides away with the ball. I stand there, dazed, embarrassed, and disappointed. I have given up. The shriek of the whistle gives my body shivers; time for a line change. I hustle to the bench, chug my water, and triple knot my shoe laces. Round two will be my time to shine. The chatter of the gossiping parents grab my attention. I wonder if they are they talking about me? I know I can’t let them get into my head.

The coach puts me back onto the pitch. I really need to step up my game if I want to play for this team.I tighten my scrunchie. Its game time! I receive the ball, dribble down the sidelines, giving the parents something to talk about. My feet are itching for a goal. I plant my foot on the turf and with all my might I swing my leg back to plunk the ball into the top corner of the net. I scored! The grin on my face was enormous. I am drowning in confidence. I know I’ve made this team.

The roar of the evaluators voice echoes through my ears. “Bring it in girls.” A stampede of girls hustle into the eighteen yard box. The evaluator explains to us, “ You will receive a phone call in the next week if you made the team.”

Confidence is seeping through my pores. I know I’ve made this team. I spot my Mom perched in the bleachers; she tells me I  did a good job, and we return home. For what felt like a century I waited for that phone call to come through.

The following Wednesday I receive a call.

“ Hello, is this Hailey Wallace?”

I reply nervously, “Yes”

“ Hi, this is Coach Oliver. Unfortunately you didn’t make the team. Better luck next season.”

My eyes start to become glossy, a tear trickles down my cheek. I didn’t make the team. I think deep down my Mom knew I didn’t make the team because, when I told her she was not shocked. Her reaction was comforting and she suggested I try out for a different club.

Port Moody Soccer Club. I already don’t like it here. Their turf doesn’t smell the same as ours it has less of a rubbery smell. Their parents aren’t as loud, and their soccer balls are covered in shoe scuffs. A team of  statuesque girls invite me to pass with them. They’re not what I imagined. They’re actually really nice and welcoming. Port Moody Soccer Club, I’m starting to like the sound of it. The tryout begins, but this time I’m not nervous. I play calm and composed; showing off my finest tricks.  The evaluators invite us to centre; where they explain that they will call us if we make the team.

I hurry home feeling anxious for a phone call. My foot steps into the door and the phone rings. My eyes open wide. Is this for me?I grab the phone and answer, “Hello?”

“Hi is this Hailey?” said a soft voice.

“Yes.”  I replied anxiously.

“Hi this is Amy. I am pleased to inform you that you’ve made the team!”

My heart is fluttering with excitement!  I can’t believe I’ve made this team.I bolt to find my Mom and explain the great news to her. My Mom is as joyous as I am. My schedule comes in through email and I have my first practice Tuesday. I can hardly wait to make new friends and play the game I love.

After spending some time playing for Port Moody Soccer they have offered me a paid coaching position. I have finally found my soccer home. From this experience,  I have learned how to always persevere when I feel most discouraged, and that I can’t let what others think of me bring me down.  Now that I have had the opportunity to coach my own team this past season, I always remember how I felt when I was rejected.  I see how some coaches prejudge players before giving them a fair chance, and I have made it a big part of my coaching style to make every child know they are important. In the end, I have learnt many lessons in life, literally on the soccer field.  Always give someone a fair chance, never give up, keep your head held high even when you are down, and most importantly always believe in yourself.

2 things I did well 

  1. I had a meaningful ending
  2. I did a combination of who I am and a lesson I learned

2 things to improve 

  1. Choose better words to describe my writing
  2. Show my writing and tell less




The Unknown Can Hurt Us

The Unknown Can Hurt Us

           Humanity can be hurt by censorship. Whether it’s in the newspaper or on television, censorship can affect our society.  In the year of 1953 Ray Bradbury wrote a book titled Fahrenheit 451. In this novel, Bradbury creates a dystopian society where the government has total control over It’s citizens. Owning books is considered a crime, and fireman are hired to create fires to punish those who own books. Although censorship can help to control panic and fear within a society, Ray Bradbury is right: humanity cannot thrive where there is censorship because people cannot be true to themselves, society is unable to evolve, and it can negatively influence one’s opinions.

Firstly, where there is censorship within a society people cannot be true to themselves. Censorship can cause one to be insecure about their decisions because they are afraid of being judged by others. For instance in The Pedestrianby Ray Bradbury, if one went against the ways of society they are thought to be insane: “The gray or multicoloured lights touching their faces, but never really touching them. “ No profession,” said the phonograph voice, hissing. “What are you doing out?” Walking said Leonard Mead.” (Bradbury, The Pedestrian). Mead went against the orderly ways of society, all he wanted to do was simply walk, but because it was not common to walk at night Mead was thought to be batty. Censorship can create a brainwashed society and make one question what makes them truly happy.

Secondly, where there is censorship within humanity it can not enable our society to evolve. For instance, if no one ever shared ideas humanity could be stuck in time. In the novel Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury creates a dystopian society that is censored by the government. Fireman are sent to burn books: “Monday burn Millay, Wednesday Whitman, Friday Faulkner, burn em to ashes, then burn the ashes. That’s our official slogan” (Bradbury, Chapter 1). There have been no new ideas formed to generate the thought that books could be a beneficial thing to include in society. Without citizens sharing their ideas or beliefs it creates a dilemma in the way humanity evolves.

Thirdly, censorship can negatively influence one’s opinions by shaping a person’s reality to create an illusion. In the novel Fahrenheit 451 Mildred says: “It’s really fun. It’ll be even more fun when we can afford to have the fourth wall installed” (Bradbury, Chapter 1). Mildred is influenced by her peers, she believes she needs material items in order to live a happy life. In the novel Fahrenheit 451 books are illegal to own and technology is commonly used in their society. The government abandoned the use of books in hopes to protect society from what they may not want to know. The government has closed the door to the opportunities that books may present and brainwashed society into believing the governments point of view, on how books are dangerous. Censorship has created an illusion and has forced society to blindly subscribe to it.

In conclusion Bradbury is right: humanity cannot thrive where there is censorship, because people cannot be true to themselves, society is unable to evolve, and it can negatively influence one’s opinions. In the novel Fahrenheit 451Bradbury shows us the affects censorship can have on a dystopian society, and how it is able to cause humanity severe harm. What would it be like to live in a world knowing the truth?

Works Cited

Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. Ballantine Books, 1953.

Bradbury, Ray. The Pedestrian. The Reporter, 1951.

2 things I did well. 

  1. I had no errors in my thesis 
  2. I had good transition words 

2 things I need to improve. 

  1. Expand on my ideas 
  2. Find ways to incorporate my quotes

Beatty’s Lecture

Question: What reasons does Beatty give for the current state of society and for books being destroyed? 


In this dystopia that takes place in 2053 books are considered to be like loaded guns because they can be dangerous towards the government. If society has too much knowledge they can find ways to go against the government.  Captain Beatty agrees with the way the government is making society behave. On page 31 Montag is asking Captain Beatty about the fire that happened last week. Beatty says that “they took him screaming off to the asylum.” Montag replies, “he wasn’t insane” Captain Beatty explains to Montag that “any man’s insane who thinks he can fool the government and us.” In this text Beatty doesn’t think anything is wrong with how they treat others with books. They have been burning books for a long time now and he sees it as something  that must be done in order to keep society peaceful and under control. Owning a book is considered a crime and the punishment of burning your belongings is cruel and excessive. Captain Beatty’s job is to destroy the books and he sees nothing wrong in the way society is functioning. Beatty thinks that if you try to go against society it is truly wrong. Montag completely disagrees with society and he envy’s those who read books. Montag is hoping to change the way the movement views books.  However Beatty thinks those with books are sneaky and evil to possess literature. Beatty thinks society must obey the rules the government has created in order to have a functioning society. In the eyes of the government a functioning society is when the public follows his rules about not reading books or owning books and no one should question his authority.  


Are writers and artists as important to society as scientists and engineers?

I think that writers and artists are just as important as scientist and engineers. It is hard to compare the two professions because they create very different things. Artists and writers create pieces that can make you feel something. Their work focuses more on the mood and the emotion whereas the work of a scientists and engineers usually tries to create something that could be useful to society.  Writers and artists have the opportunity to be creative and to express themselves freely which allows them to portray their pieces in the way they would like to be seen. Scientists and engineers have a more structured job and their main focus is to improve society. The work of scientists and engineers is always evolving for the needs of society and without them our world would look a lot different. Artist and writers are just as important because their work allows the world to feel different emotions such as happiness, sadness, and excitement.  Artists, writers, engineers, and scientist all play important roles in our society and we need all of them in our world for many different reasons.