“it was only by a happy concurrence of circumstances, that we were enabled to bring this great question to its present position.”
John A. Macdonald, 1865
What this Quote means: I think this quote means that everything has happened for a reason. Without all of these events that have happened there wouldn’t be a Canada that includes all of our provinces that we have today.
My Opinion: I agree and disagree with John A. Macdonald because I think he is right that there would’ve been no Canada that we know today without these events. Maybe we would’ve been more like America and make more wars instead of talk about it. Maybe we wouldn’t had French as one of our official languages. The reason I dont totally agree with him is because he says it was a happy concurrence of circumstances and the events weren’t happy. The events killed people and made a lot of stress for others. The only thing that was happy is the out come of one big peaceful country.
“The reason I dont totally agree with him is because he says it was a happy concurrence of circumstances and the events weren’t happy.”
This is your thesis. But you need to rephrase it.
You could say try: “John A MacDonald was not completely correct when saying “it was a happy concurrence of circumstances” that brought about the creation of Canada.”