Winston from “1984”

Winston Smith is a man living in a world where the government controls everything, but he doesn’t like that idea at all. He acts out by writing in a journal which he isn’t suppose to have and these feelings he has against this government (BB) are very strong and hateful towards BB and anyone who agrees with them. He has created a strong hatred towards a girl that has done nothing wrong but wear a red sash on her waist that makes her apart of Chasity. Letting everyone know she isn’t taking part in any sexual activity which he doesn’t like due to her supporting the government. He keeps this forbidden journal in his office writing down everything he can’t say out loud or secrets he wants to remember. He knows that the government will find out one day they always do but he just doesn’t know when. Personally I don’t like the way he refers to as women and how he almost acts out on her hurtful actions towards this girl, but I do agree with him on hating the government part and not supporting how they control every part of his life.

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