
Here is the short story we will be reading today: Barney” by Will Stanton

To start, we will be sharing the answers to the following questions on m.socartive.com

  1. Animal testing is okay. T/F
  2. In order to keep ourselves healthy and safe, we must test things on animals. T/F
  3. We should respect Animals because they have the power to harm us. T/F

Be prepared to explain your answers.

Hand in Your Work.

17/28 students in this class have handed in their Journal entries for “The Veldt”. 8/28 of you have handed in your Point of View re-write for “The Witch”. If you have not handed these assignments in, get them in now. If I do not have them by Friday, your parents will be informed that you have NHIs and NHIs WILL show up on you interim report.

There are 20 students who have not handed in the Point of View Re-write for “The Witch”

There are 11 students who have not handed in a Journal for “The Veldt”

There are still 4 people who have not handed in the short story summary for “The Father”

There are still 4 people who have not handed in the Journal for “The Father”

There are still 2 people who have not handed in the Final Copy of their letter.

If you have not handed in any of the five assignments listed above, you have one week to finish them. This is unacceptable. If you do not get these assignments in, I will begin holding students who have missing assignments in after school so that they can finish them.

Don’t forget that you also have to present your final projects next week. No exceptions. If you hand if your final project after the break, Mr. Barrington WILL wait until June to mark it and have you come in on your summer holidays to do your presentations.