
Make a chart, list, or find your own digital template to analyze the Mom, the boy, the border guard, Laetitia, and Mel from Thomas King’s short story “Borders”. List some adjectives  (click for a list of adjectives to choose from) that describe their personality and provide examples from the story. In addition, provide a brief physical description of each character.

Use the list provided here – Prose Terms – to add the character terms round, flat, dynamic, static, and stock/stereotype to each character on your analysis template.

Choose one of these characters and make a “Fakebook” page on . Fill in all the  informational sections and under the heading “About You” write a character sketch.

Remember, a character sketch is written in paragraph form and must include: specific adjectives that describe the character, examples from the story that support your choice of adjectives, the character’s morals and values, and a brief physical description.

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