As a British official, I realize there are many alternatives in governing Quebec. I have chosen the policy of Isolation to ensure the colony is properly run. The French, British, and Natives will live in separate areas, all under the protection of the British crown. The savages will govern their own people, as will the French. There will be a British representative in each territory, to ensure that there will be no rebellion. This is the most civilized way to deal with inferior cultures, and as we are civilized men, we ought to go about dealing with people in a way that befits such people.
As I have outlined above, I believe the best policy for governing Quebec is Isolation. This will ensure that the colony will remain under British control and provide wealth for our glorious country.
This idea is part of a worldview which sees a oneness in all things. According to this, there is no true separation deeper than appearances. If something happens to one person, it affects many others to which that one is connected. In an ecosystem, if the primary consumers suffer, the secondary consumers suffer, and so on. The work we did in class on the topic of energy flowing through an ecosystem showed this.
Sustainability means positive actions now so that the world is better in the future. Simply put, it’s thinking ahead. If we cut back use of fossil fuels now, the world will be a more pleasant place to live 50 years from now than it would if we were to continue on our present course. Many of our projects done in this class have had at least one question on the topic of sustainability (e.g. “What is the impact on the environment?”).
Technology and genetics part 1:
Technology and genetics part 2:
The research for Technology and Genetics:
Georgia P.
I wanted an app that would help me memorize the periodic table.
I was hoping that it would be fast and simple, with the element name, atomic number, and atomic mass.
The app I chose is called K-12 periodic table. It has the options of showing classification, melting point, boiling point,outermost orbital, radius, ion radius, electronegativity, and ionization energy. There is also the option of the temperatures in the app being shown in Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin. This makes it user-friendly to both Canadian and US citizens.
I found that although the app has its uses, it often lags and is generally slow. It doesn’t have any particularly intuitive or creative features, and is more complicated than it needs to be. Many of the options in this app are unnecessary for the understanding level of a ninth grade student. So, for all the above reasons I wouldn’t recommend this app for learning about the periodic table.
Question 1: How might your digital footprint affect your future job opportunities?
Answer: Employers check your digital footprint before they hire you. If your digital footprint shows you doing something illegal, or an Instagram post has a comment such as “skipping school today to goof off!”, then your potential employer may choose to not hire you, as he/she would want employees that are reliable, and aren’t law breakers.
Question 2: Describe at least 3 strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.
Answer: 1: Keep your profile completely private on all social media sites. 2: Think twice before posting anything. 3: Use a good password on all accounts online to prevent your account from being hacked and things being said/done in your name that you didn’t authorize.
Question 3: What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students and how would you go about telling them?
Answer: Once you put something on the internet, it’s set in stone. I would tell others this by putting it on my edublog, where people can see it.