John-Carlo, Georgia, Gavin, April
The weather today is warm and cloudy with no precipitation.
the weather tomorrow will be warmer, with no wind (iso-bars far apart). There will be some clouds and no rain.
John-Carlo, Georgia, Gavin, April
The weather today is warm and cloudy with no precipitation.
the weather tomorrow will be warmer, with no wind (iso-bars far apart). There will be some clouds and no rain.
April, John-Carlo, Georgia, Julian
The countries shaded in black are the ones we researched:
Climate change is affecting the increase of natural disasters (eg. Forest fires) and extreme weather (eg. Monsoons). In some mid-temperate areas precipitation is decreasing, and in certain tropical areas both precipitation and temperature are increasing, while in many dry and snowy areas, both are remaining unchanged.
Georgia, John-Carlo, and Gavin
The weather today is cloudy and somewhat windy with comfortable temperatures.
The weather tomorrow will be slightly windy (fewer iso-bars) clear skies (high pressure zone) and about the same temperature.
John-Carlo, Georgia, and Gavin
The weather today is overcast and somewhat windy.
the weather tomorrow will be colder, likely cloudy and not windy.
Georgia, John-Carlo, and Gavin
Today’s weather is mostly clear skies with gusts of wind up to 25 knots.
Tomorrow will be warmer, clear skies and windy.
switzerland manages its waste remarkably well, albeit in a way that some do not consider to be “recycling”. They burn their waste, and use the heat from that for electicity and heating throughout the country. This method could potentially be incorporated here in Canada, both as a part of the solution to China no longer accepting other counries’ waste, and as a source of clean energy.
What would an ethic of care towards the environment look like?