Science App Review

  1. Problem: Don’t know what an element looks like
  2. Solutions: Look it up on google, ask your parents, dig for info, etc.
  3. App: Elements 4D
  4. The app reads an element and shows you a 4D image of the elements and you can move it around. Works the best with a cube.
  5. I had my cube of elements and I opened the app, and it has a camera, so I put my phone over the element, Platinum. So it showed me a cube of Platinum, and i moved it around and saw a 4D view of Platinum.
  6. elements-4d
    Elements 4D in action

    Pros- Lets you see the elements in 4D Cons-You need special cubes for it to work the best

One thought on “Science App Review

  1. I’ve used this app before and it made me feel more interesting about learning chemistry. However, the thing is that we can only use this app if there is QR code.

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