Digital Footprint

1. How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

a) If you post something and you regret it when you go to apply to a job, they can reject you because they might think your too immature.

b) Colleges/Universities monitor even the slightest details, such as a screen name or a small post on social media that could imply bad behavior and not want to let you into their school because it could be putting other students at risk.

2. Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital foot print appropriate and safe.

a) Don’t post things you will regret later on because it will be there forever, and you can’t erase it. Also don’t overshare because if you put on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter, etc. that you are going on vacation robbers/criminals can track down where you live and rob your house.

b) Once you click send you can’t undo what you did, and if you were to google yourself and you see pretty much everything you posted then that’s a sign to relax, Instagram/Facebook/twitter, etc. is not your online diary.

c) If your Facebook/Instagram/Twitter, etc. is private or not the company can look at your account/posts, and look at every letter/word you have ever typed so it is much better to be careful what you post.

3. What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

That to be careful what you post and if you are unsure then google yourself because sometimes if can haunt you and then you wont get into prestigious colleges like Harvard/Yale. I would tell them be careful what you post if someone is getting cyber bullied don’t get into it because then it will forever be on your digital footprint, and if you’re going on vacation that don’t tell the internet because you can get tracked down and your house robbed when you’re away.

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