Step A. step A is when I call my phone (which on a sloped wedge) and the vibrations from the phone and because it is on a sloped wedge, cause the phone to start rolling down and knocked over some dominos. this step involves chemical energy, mechanical energy, gravitational energy, sound energy, and sort of light energy. the chemical energy is due to the battery inside of the phone, the mechanical energy is because the phone is moving due tot he sound vibrations, the gravitational energy is because the phone is being pulled downwards, the sound energy is because the sound vibrations from the ringer, and the light energy is because of the light that is produced. the energy transformation that occurred from step A is that the energy going in is chemical energy and the energy going out is sound energy, thermal energy, light energy, and electrical energy.
Step B. step B is where the dominos are hit by the sliding phone and they knock each other down until they make it to the end of the line where they hit a rubber band. the energy used in this step are gravitational and mechanical. the reason it is gravitational is because the dominos are above a surface and they can and do drop. and the other type of energy is mechanical energy because the dominos are moving. so the energy transformation is gravitational going in and mechanical going out.
Step C. step C is where the elastic rubber band is trigged by the falling dominos which causes the skateboard, that is tied to the rubber band, to go flying forward hitting a marble. the energy is definitely elastic energy and there is mechanical energy from the moving skateboard. the energy transformation going in is elastic, and the energy going out is mechanical.
Step D. step D is where the marble makes impact with the skateboard and is sent hurdling towards the paper towel roll (the inclined plane) and is sent down the middle of the tube and goes all the way down until it makes contact with the dominos at the bottom of the tube. the energy that is present during this part of the machine is gravitational and mechanical. the gravitational is the marble going down the tube and the mechanical energy is the marble moving in the tube. the transformation of energy is the gravitational energy turning into mechanical energy.
Step E. step E is where there is another set of dominos that were hit by the marble going down the tube and like the first set of dominos, this one is the exact same. being the same means they both use gravitational and mechanical. the transformation is once again, gravitational going in and mechanical going out.
Step F. step F is when the dominos are all knocked down and end up pushing the toy car (wheel and axle) which then pushes the sugar cube. the dominos used gravitational energy when they were falling down and the toy car was moving making it mechanical. this means that the energy transformation is gravitational going in and mechanical going out.
Step G. step G is basically just the sugar cube being pushed by the toy car off the side of the ledge and into the coffee. this part is once again both gravitational and mechanical. the gravitational is because the sugar cube is above a surface but when it is pushed off the ledge the energy turns into mechanical.