Pathways to Theme One-Pager – The Lorax

This is my One-Pager on the Pathways to Theme assignment. The assignment was to create a one-pager on a children’s book with sections for theme, questions, connections, and quotes. We also had to create a design based on the story. The story I chose was The Lorax by Dr. Seuss.

This is my Core Competency Reflection on this assignment. We have to complete prompts for each competency based on the story we read.

Communication: Why did I choose this artifact? (Story.)

I chose The Lorax because I knew that the content on the book was still relevant in today’s social and political climate. It refers to climate change, consumerism, and power, all of which are more important and prevalent than ever.

Thinking (Creative and Critical): How did you incorporate other people’s ideas and perspectives?

I incorporated Greta Thunberg’s speech to the UN summit on Climate Action into my section on Text to World Connections. I wrote about how The Lorax has connections to this speech and climate change in general. People in power think that they can pollute wherever and whenever they want for their benefit.

Personal and Social: What could you have done differently and why?

I think I could have added more designs and colour related to the story and real life. I did add specific designs about the book, but I i have added some real life elements and connections.