Archive of ‘Self-Assessment’ category

Family & Society 10 Core Competency Reflection

Here is my artifact:

Here is my core competency reflection:

Goal Setting Assignment:

In life sciences 11 I have sophisticated lab skills. I often follow the proper safety procedures to protect myself and others. I carefully follow instructions so as to not be confused or cause issues for me and my lab partner (s). I am actively involved in the clean up process and try to acomplish the task within the given time frame. I think critically and try to problem solve to come up with solutions.

An area I could improve on is trying to be more independent and asking for help less. I find asking for help gives me the tools to understand what I need to do, but coming up with solutions independently as a group is a goal I could work on.

I think I did reach this goal. Over time, I became more confident with doing the labs and maintained a positive attitude with my group mates which led to successful results. I was able to strike a balance of thinking critically and problem solving on my own as well as asking for help when I needed it.


Core Competency Reflection

I have interests and passions that I pursue over time. In psychology we did a social influence video analysis where we picked a TV show and analyzed it to see what social influence techniques were included in that show. I found this assignment really interesting because these are things we don’t typically pay attention to in our lives, let alone in TV shows. For mine, I chose groupthink for the show iCarly. In the episode I chose, the main characters chose to go to a trip to Japan to attend an award show. They go on the trip with people who are competing with them in the same category and they end up getting sabotaged by them. As you can see, the entire group made irrational decisions, thinking it would benefit the whole group, they went on this trip and trusted these strangers because they thought it would make for a fun trip, when in actuality it caused them to end up in this really bad situation. I connected this to a similar assignments we did in marketing where we analyzed marketing techniques in commercials. Analyzing media for psychology techniques is really interesting to me, just being able to look at human behavior and attributes that we do not notice on the surface.

My core competency goal for the rest of the year is to be able to understand and share information about a topic that is important to me. Something I really struggle with is being vocal and sharing my opinions with a group. I work well individually but I also recognize that working in a group can cause me to learn new ideas and make a better project as a group. If I’m more assertive and make sure my ideas are heard I think I can be more comfortable working in a group because I know my input will be heard and considered.

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