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Core competencies Reflection – Semester 1 (Jan 2024) 


Course : Sci hum 10

Name :Fiona Wells 


PDF of Core Competencies 


  1. Strength: Copy and paste one or more core competencies and explain how you showed strength in this area. Use specific examples from the course as evidence. 

I can facilitate group processes and encourage collective responsibility for our progress. 

I showed strength in collaborating in various projects i collaborated with my peers. For example, the WW1 journal project, i made sure every member of the group’s voice and ideas got heard and incorporated it into the project. I cheak in with other members of the group and ask questions to make sure we are on the same page. 




  1. Area for Growth: Copy and paste one or more core competencies and explain how you could grow in this area. Use specific examples from the course as evidence. 

I can gather and combine new evidence with what I already know to develop reasoned conclusions, judgments, or plans. 


I need to work on Critical Thinking and Reflective Thinking, I tend to not use my critical thinking when it comes to studing and finishing assignments. I need to work on combining notes and resources given to develop better comprehension for the course.