Capital Punishment in “Two Fisherman”

Capital punishment in Canada started in 1865, with only a handful of crimes eligible for the punishment. For the next hundred-ten years, the crimes that had to be committed to get the death penalty varied. Arthur Lucas and Robert Turpin were the last people to be executed in Canada. The executions took place in 1962, however Capital Punishment was finally removed in 1976 from the Canadian Criminal Code. So if Thomas Delaney’s, from Morley Callaghan’s, “Two Fisherman” execution took place in Canada, it would have had to prior to 1976.

The execution of Thomas Danley is controversial because people’s opinions are dependent on their morals. I think Thomas Danley should not have been executed. He was defending his wife when he caught Rhinehart molesting her, so it wasn’t a premeditated murder. Just because someone takes a life doesn’t give others the right to take their life, that doesn’t make it any better. Thomas should have been left in jail because he did commit a crime that he should have pay for, but not with his own life.

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