Hello I am Angie but everybody calls me UBE3A. I am one of many of Emma’s genes. I am inherited from Emma’s mother. I don’t work like normal genes about 10 months after Emma was born I stopped working I don’t function anymore like I used. I affected Emma in many different ways when I first stopped functioning Emma became delayed in her daily life activities. When everyone else was crawling and babbling Emma would sit still and stay quiet. As a baby Emma couldn’t do many things she couldn’t stay balanced so she couldn’t walk or really move. She is always smiling and laughing, that is my favourite part. When Emma was about three years old she started having something called seizures. Emma now is about 18 years old some people still make fun of her small head, but she has many people who care for her so she doesn’t mind. Emma doesn’t really talk she goes days, sometimes weeks without talking. Her eyes started to cross when she was about 14 but now they are permanently crossed. She does a lot of hand flapping to communicate with people. Emma faces many challenges daily but that just makes her that much braver. She doesn’t let Angelman Syndrome get in her way of doing what she likes even though it is challenging.
1. why does angelman syndrome occur?
Angleman syndrome symptoms in babies?
Angleman syndrome symptoms in adults?
2. I used basic questions this way I would get a straight answer. I also made sure that I was using reliable sources but checking a lot out to see patterns in the answers.
3. I read through all the criteria. I then started to research the questions and find the patterns to write down the answers. After I started writing to make everything flow and get all the information I found into the story properly.
4. I copied down the links to each website and put them down on a document.
5. I found the process smooth and the writing to be a little more difficult. I think I could have down better to cite my sources. I think I should have used citation machine or a program like that to properly cite my sources.