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Indigenous Explorations – Climate Change


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Faran Dehghanmanshadi

Ms. Rance

English Language Arts 9

26 October 2023

Indigenous Explorations – Podcast Reflection

I enjoy trying out new things despite what I’d have to do it for, this assignment was no different. I had fun making a podcast as I’ve never made one before, it was quite a challenge to record my own voice and make it sound like a natural conversation while also getting information across. Using audacity was also a bit difficult as it is a tool that is infamously quite difficult to navigate and use, similar to basically any related software. my partner and I’s path in researching our topic of climate change was not a difficult one unlike recording the podcast itself, we were easily able to find information online with various sources such as the beloved and globally trusted source google, and a tool called gale power search. Not everything was smooth sailing though, very early into the recording process, my partner and I immediately found out that recording everything was way harder than we initially thought, when we started, we were constantly stuttering and blanking when we had to think of what to say, because of all of this, we got tired of freestyling our podcast and opted for a scripted approach instead, after the script was finished recording the actual podcast didn’t take that long as we finished the podcast in around an hour.

Some aspects of the indigenous people I covered that I really value about them has got to be their resiliency, it’s practically their culture to never give up on anything regardless of how difficult it might be, an example of this could be how they eventually got rid of residential schools and spread the story of those who never backed down and tried to escape or just survive the torture that they were forced to be put through, I wish I even had just a fraction of the pride and resiliency that these people have because it has gone to show that this kind of mentality has always been working in the indigenous peoples favour.

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