Digital Footprint:
How does your previous digital footprint align with how you would want to be viewed moving forward?
My Digital footprint currently is nothing special. When I googled myself, all I found were people with the same name as me along with a YouTube channel that I had as a kid, nothing bad but also nothing good. Ways I can add to my digital footprint could be to start a few social media accounts in my name where I share positive information and make people’s days better. Personally, I’m alright with how my digital footprint is since there isn’t really anything that I wouldn’t want on there, but getting rid of the You Tube channel is an improvement to be made.
How can your phone have a positive and negative impact on your learning?
Phones and technology alike are notoriously two-sided, on one side they’re the perfect way to spend almost half of your day doing absolutely nothing, and on the other it’s one of the most powerful tools that everybody you know has. I personally think that phones are more capable of destroying our productivity rather than helping it because it’s just too easy to be stuck in your phone all day, almost every time me or anybody I know uses a phone, it’s never to get work done. That being said, all of the tools that computers feature to aid in getting work done are typically also found on phones, making them a good way to get work done without a computer, but despite this, one of the main things that i see phones do for me is to make deadlines come by sooner.
What elements of school culture are necessary for you to be successful both academically and socially?
I think that making sure everybody is okay with each other is necessary to keep classrooms functioning and efficient. Keeping a positive relationship with most of the people at school helps if you need help on an assignment per se. It’s also great socially as it makes it more likely that you at least have one person you enjoy hanging out with in a class, making that class a lot more bearable.
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