English 11

The Butterfly Effect in “The Sound of Thunder”

The short story, “A Sound of Thunder”, by Ray Bradbury explores the themes of time travel and the butterfly effect. It displays the intricate and spiraling bond between cause and effect relationships . For example, if the protagonist, Eckels, didn’t run back to the time machine and stepped off the path upon his encounter with the dinosaur then he wouldn’t have killed a butterfly. When they returned to present day they realized that the butterfly they killed altered the course of future events. It allowed for a separate English language to develop and influence presidential election results. When the Safari leader, Travis, realized this, he lost his temper and shot Eckels. In conclusion, the butterfly effect is skillfully integrated within the short story to show how one event in history can have a significant impact. Theoretically, if Eckels never went on the Safari adventure, he wouldn’t have gotten scared and rushed off he path, this meant he wouldn’t have killed the butterfly which lead to a shift in present day events and inevitably his death. 

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