Throughout this semester, we created an inquiry project based on a mathematical concept that interested us. I decided to focus on the relation of geometry and tennis. I found the process of this assignment quite challenging because I struggled to find direct information about my topic. During the completion of my inquiry I became very engaged in my topic and developed several other question to further explore.
1. Are there certain exceptions to these geometry rules?
2. How does court geometry change between playing singles or doubles?
3. How can you calculate the probability of a game?
4. What concepts of physics are used in tennis?
If I had the opportunity to continue working on this inquiry project, I would interview a professional tennis player and ask them about their knowledge of mathematics in the sport and also ask a professor to further explain the geometric concepts that are involved in the process.
Evelina, congratulations on applying mathematical theory to a practical situation! Have you heard of the app UberSense? It allows you to record video, play it in slow motion, and mark over the screen. Perhaps it could help you demonstrate your theory overtop of the video of yourself playing tennis. I particularly like your further question – are there exceptions to these rules. A good place for thinking critically and creatively in mathematics.
Thank you Ms. McArthur for your valuable feedback. I will definitely look into the UberSense app and see how I could further apply my knowledge in court geometry to improve my tennis technique.