Socials 10 Uncategorized

Individual Multiculturalism in Canada Socials 10 2017

Today in class we were assigned to find two online resources which represented individual multiculturalism in Canada. Here are the various media sources which I found related to our topic.

I chose this video because I felt it was closely related to my culture and was an excellent example of multiculturalism in Canada. This festival is located in Swangard Stadium, Burnaby and displays multiple European nationalities unified for a celebration. This event displayed the traditions and customs of various countries and brings unity through diversity to the Lower Mainland. I believe that multiculturalism is one of the most valued aspects of Canada and I am very pleased to see so much involvement in my community.

The second media source I discovered was a news report which displayed a discrimination act toward immigrants in Canada. A woman wearing a hijab was shopping with her infant at a London, Ont. supermarket when an angry assailant suddenly spat on her, punched her repeatedly and tried to pull off her headscarf. As an immigrant I find this event absolutely repulsive and I can’t imagine being a subject to so much bigotry.

In conclusion, I believe that Canada is a very multicultural country which accepts immigrants from all over the world. Unfortunately, there will always be certain individuals who will oppose change and be against the certain cultures.

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