Science 9

Stop Motion – Ecological Cycles on Mars Science 9 H 2017

What is Stop Motion?

Stop motion is a cinematographic technique whereby the camera is repeatedly stopped and started, for example to give animated figures the impression of movement.

Name what app and equipment you team will use.

For this assignment we used an app called Stop Motion Studio and our equipment included  a stand, a smartphone to film, paper, a laptop and software to edit  the video and other drawing supplies.

Who is on your team?

My team members included myself, Aileen, Katie C, Kennedy and Micole.

What is each members task? 

Throughout the process of this assignment we split the work load evenly however throughout our completion we helped each other out and assisted in finding information on multiple different topics. Micole researched nitrogen, Kennedy looked at water, Katie search up oxygen, Aileen researched phosphorus and I created the slide for carbon.


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