October 18

Current Events – Geography is Action

For my current events project I chose to use the wildfires in California. In California, there have been wildfires across the state since July of 2018. This has impacted the people of California because it has destroyed over 700 homes and estimated upward of 300,000 acres of land. The fires are allover the state from Redding in North California to Riverside County in Southern California. The fires have been occurring since July until present day. People have been left with nothing and have been trapped since. The fires got so bad that they had to shut down the famous park, Yosemite. People are responding by doing there best to give the needed people shelter and helping them through this tough situation. Some of the solutions to prevent wildfires are, making sure you are following laws, like not throwing cigarette butts on the ground in hot weather, don’t light campfires in areas that aren’t under control, and making sure the area you are in is not prone to wildfires. The only solution that may be a little controversial is not lighting campfires. People who are camping will not like this because everyone likes a campfire before bed to warm them up and give good times. I’m sure that people would not like this solution, however they will understand why they have to follow it. This situation makes me feel scared because they are a lot of wildfires in the summer around here so knowing that this could possibly happen to me is scary and I don’t want to. I know people in the interior who have been very close to having there house burn down so going through that would be very stressful. I would propose a solution to make sure every adult and every child is properly educated on the effects and dangers wildfires bring.



October 18

Volcano Lab

  1. The flow of our volcano what quick. I did not notice any gas but the liquid that was coming out was coming out quickly. As it moved lower down it became slower and stopped near the bottom of the volcano. It never managed to reach our village however not all of our baking soda reacted.
  2. The lava from the volcano in the video was moving slowly and was going through everything in its path. It was destroying everything that was in its way and would ruin a places landscape wherever it went.
  3. Volcanic activity is important for Hawaii because without it, there would be no Hawaii. Hawaii is completely formed by volcanoes so if there was no Volcanoes there, there would be no islands there.
  4. The people responded by evacuating the area which they had time to do because it was moving slowly.
  5. If there were volcanic activity where I live I would grab everything that is important to me and get as far away as possible as quickly as possible. I would also make sure everyone is okay and nobody is trapped in danger.