Astrology Wonder Assignment of Part 3

My WONDER question is how did we discover the largest star, and how does that let us know more information about the other stars?

Hypergiants are a classification that is very rare to find through space, since we have only seen fifteen of them with our telescope. As we have seen, the surface area of hypergiants is so large, which they could explode from their core with their masses that are lifted away in the winds. The hypergiants are classified as the brightest stars, which led the astronomers to study them in more detail with the Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram to figure out their lifespans given their characteristics. What had made them different from the other stars was their role in fusing their elements of hydrogen to an iron element, which would cause their mass to be heavier and cause an explosion. This would collapse to a hypernova from the layers that are colliding, which may happen in a gamma-ray burst. As a result, it would eventually lead the materials gathered from the radiation and debris in the core back into the galaxy. And it has made a new generation of all stars in any sizes to light up our universe.


The two largest stars that were formed are Stephenson 2-18 and UY Scuti, which are located in the small constellation of Scutum, which means shield in Latin. The UY Scuti was discovered at the Bohn Observatory in 1806, and scientists found that over the period of 740 days, the star has become dimmer through its growth span of 1,700 times the radius of the Sun. And this star had the largest surface area of 265 times their mass, which had been increasing. The Stephenson 2-18, on the other hand, could create their luminosity from half of the millions to the Sun; it made the sun to look like a grain of dust that is compared to each other. For example, the fastest plane on earth would take us 500 years to get there. It’s crazy to find that the UY Scuti will live for a million years, which is a short lifespan for stars. However, the sun, who is the yellow dwarf would live up to a billion of years to create UV rays for us to be more alert during the day. This concludes on finding out the differences between stars in the small constellation that could lead up to the brightest star, such as the Alpha Scuti for their magnitude reaching to 3.8 in their diagram.


The definition of “magnitude” is the measure of how bright a star appears to be based on the distance travelled through Earth.

Think: the photosphere that could replace the centre of the sun is the star of UY Scuti to expand from the size of the orbit in Jupiter. It would create a wide spread to 400 the times when the gas had gone out from the nebula that was between the Earth to the Sun. 

Fact: The Cepheid was a variable star that helped Edwin Hubble locate the nebula and support his evidence that the Milky Way wasn’t the whole universe. In 1929, it was discovered that the universe is larger than you think and contains more than 46 galaxies.


This had continued throughout his story that Edwin had discovered that the ultra-blue stars that were scattered in the centre of the galaxy were with the binary stars in the crowd. The ultra-blue stars are young, and their temperatures range from 30, 000 to 60, 000 C, which would carry a lot of mass to make them larger. Edwin Hubble discovered the blue stars with ultraviolet light are appearing to be brighter, and should have the same masses as binary stars. This evidence led to the location of the star populations observed for his survey throughout the galaxy. As a result, at the end of their life cycle, the ultra-blue stars would become white dwarfs after releasing their material from the star’s core. This would allow the astronomers to make a simulation of what path they would take as a result of their changes. 


These relationships had helped me to answer my question, as they had spread out their information to help the astronomers gain knowledge of what they could do with the other stars. It had created some stories that would serve as an inspiration to others.


This was the work of Eva Lo, who had used these cites in APA format to make for her final research:

Nasa—Rare ultra-blue stars found in neighboring galaxy’s hub. (n.d.). [Feature]. Retrieved November 18, 2022, from

Scutum | constellation | Britannica. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2022, from
The largest star in the universe – size comparison. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2022, from
What are hypergiant stars like? (n.d.). ThoughtCo. Retrieved November 18, 2022, from

Side works that had supported my paragraphs are:

published, N. T. T. from V. S. (2022, February 3). What is the biggest star? Space.Com.
published, S. com S. (2015, January 29). Types of variable stars: Cepheid, pulsating and cataclysmic. Space.Com.
Gamma-ray burst. (2022). In Wikipedia.

4 thoughts on “Astrology Wonder Assignment of Part 3

  1. Great job thoroughly explaining how we discovered the largest star. A lot of effort was put into it. A follow up question I have is how did they measure the circumference of the star and how do scientists know the mass of the star?

  2. My mother had read my post when I have explained to her my question with my information that I have learn in this research was…
    The large stars are brighter than the Sun that are given in the universe. Including, they were hotter as the blue stars that could impact his past story to build up knowledge for the astronomers that are enrolling in. It was an excellent way of presenting your work, Eva! My questions to wonder, are there going to be any new stars that are larger than the two stars that you have presented? And how many galaxies would be made in the year of 2022 that could impact our universe.

  3. This wonder project is interesting. It has many information. My follow up question is ”is there possibility that exists bigger star than the biggest star that still doesn’t discovered?”

  4. YOUR wonder question was explained in great detail. I think the visuals were good. My wonder question would be, are the largest stars recorded at the time still alive? or did they die out?

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