Week 1 – Math 10 – How I use math

Write a short edublog post describing 3 different ways you use math in your life outside of school. Be specific and explain!

I can use math for my cashier position if I wanted to apply for one. This helps to support my income to get my essentials like buying my own food, and taking care of my family. It would give me a more boost for my brain to start activating of what coins to give out to my person to exchange their money. And it gives the store to have more money to transport their food ingredients.

I can do my measurements for cooking when it’s dinner time. For example, how many spoons of sugar should I use, for the canned pineapple that is sour in my pork ribs? I would think about three spoons because the can said there were sixteen grams of sugar in there. Then the dish would come out perfectly fine to my taste!

I can plan to go out with my friends. We need to think about how many minutes or hours does it take to go to our location. And what time would be suitable to meet at Coquitlam central station to get there. It would be fun to hang together, but you could waste your money during that day. So it’s best to think about how much money you would to bring for food and entertainment. Which is why math is there to assist us and guide where we are going.

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