Minecraft Solution Fluency

DEFINE: Explain in detail the problem you are hoping to solve
There was too much plastic in the ocean, which caused too much pollution in the environment.

2) DISCOVER: Question and investigate (Critical Thinking) what has been done in the past and what is being worked on now to solve the problem.

Trash accumulates in five ocean garbage patches, the largest one being the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, located between Hawaii and California. To solve it, we not only need to stop more plastic from flowing into the ocean, but also clean up what is already out there. Floating plastics trapped in the patches will keep circulating until they break down into smaller and smaller pieces, becoming harder to clean up and increasingly easier to mistake for food by sealife. If left to circulate, the plastic will impact our ecosystems, health, and economies for decades or even centuries.

3) DELIVER: Post a Stream screen capture explaining your solution.

4) DEBRIEF: Reflect on quality of the post and process. What did you do well and upon what could you have improved?
We did a good job on building the turtle by communicating and collaborating together. We discussed on what material to build our turtle, like should we use steel for the body. And glass on the border/shell? We found a good design for our turtle’s shell, which was a success. Our last thing to wrap up was making the script, which didn’t take much of our time since we already wrote down our features in the prototype. I learned a lot of things in Minecraft, such as building a propeller with trap doors. And creating stairs that lead to the shell of the turtle. And putting plastic bowls in the frame to make our item. I wish we could have improved the screen quality, like it was glitching when we were recording. And my windows screen recorder in my laptop did not include sound recording. Stream in the office platform should improve their system.

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