Explore Math Reflection

– Which video did you choose?
What is Random?

– What made you choose that video?
I have done probability back in middle school, as for games.

– What area of math did it cover? (algebra, geometry, probability, statistics, imaginary #’s, etc.)

– What did you understand and enjoy about it?
I understand it produces many patterns, unless if you have a 5 for all dice. I enjoyed there was a coin flipping machine because I love that the engineers are exploring different diversities.

– Think about the content of the video
There was a lot of information that covered in the video. Natures are being shown like our genetics.

– Think about the presentation of the video (Cool/fun host? Music and visuals?)
The host is very funny and open-minded. He presented visuals that indicate how coins are being toss, including the sides of a 50 cent can stand (1/6000)

– Did anything “blow your mind”? (in a good way or a bad way)
YouTube’s links were generated very randomly. In the 50 cent MV from a rapper, showed his link have a “hello.” Others have different words that could be entertaining or weird. It’s a good way for me to easily remember the link.

– Did it make you feel anything? (confused, inspired, annoyed, engaged, curious, etc.)
The video engaged me that what I have done in the past, could have been made better! I was curious of the game’s method to find a way to win, but I could not predict! It’s annoying that you didn’t predict correct, but it’s fun to discover at.

– What questions do you have about it? (the more specific, the better)
Why did the person make a Random.org website? Including Google.
Why is probability a math unit, shouldn’t it be more like prophecy? Or a witch unit?
Why are the dices in the same number, but different roles, ex. 2:5. Is in different measurements, not in equal?
What can probability help in careers?

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