Science 10H – self reflection/core competencies – 3D data visualization

Write up:

For our 3d Data visualization project, our group decided to compare the percentages of cases and deaths compared to the population size of developed & developing countries. Our group thought this was important to show because we noticed that many people around our communities were talking about how covid was “over”.  We wanted to bring light to that matter and show that some countries had it harder than Canada. As we investigated and collected data further we discovered that developing countries have significantly lower cases but more of those cases lead to death. This was because of the lack of resources, hygiene, and healthcare. We displayed this data through a Covid-19 Viron. The body was a 3d printed globe and the glycoprotein spikes which were made of wire and clay showed the percentage  of cases and deaths compared to the country population. Through this design it showed a variety of trends such as Europe having more cases but less deaths and Africa having less cases but more deaths. We decided on the globe design because it would clearly represent which the cases and deaths that came along with the countries.

The photos:

The exel spreadsheet displays all of our data that we found. The first/second table shows the number cases in developed/developing countries along with the length of the coiled wire. The third/fourth countries show the number of deaths in developing/developed countries.

The first photo shows part of our process when we painted the parts of the globe. The second photo shows our final product along with our legend.

Core competencies: