Science 10H – self reflection/core competencies – 3D data visualization

Write up:

For our 3d Data visualization project, our group decided to compare the percentages of cases and deaths compared to the population size of developed & developing countries. Our group thought this was important to show because we noticed that many people around our communities were talking about how covid was “over”.  We wanted to bring light to that matter and show that some countries had it harder than Canada. As we investigated and collected data further we discovered that developing countries have significantly lower cases but more of those cases lead to death. This was because of the lack of resources, hygiene, and healthcare. We displayed this data through a Covid-19 Viron. The body was a 3d printed globe and the glycoprotein spikes which were made of wire and clay showed the percentage  of cases and deaths compared to the country population. Through this design it showed a variety of trends such as Europe having more cases but less deaths and Africa having less cases but more deaths. We decided on the globe design because it would clearly represent which the cases and deaths that came along with the countries.

The photos:

The exel spreadsheet displays all of our data that we found. The first/second table shows the number cases in developed/developing countries along with the length of the coiled wire. The third/fourth countries show the number of deaths in developing/developed countries.

The first photo shows part of our process when we painted the parts of the globe. The second photo shows our final product along with our legend.

Core competencies: 

Science 10H – Scientific Method & Paper Airplanes

For our experiment we wanted to test out how the distance of a paper airplane traveled would differ if we added weight to its wings. We tested this out by using the most basic paper airplane, the dart. For the first plane we tested the average distance without and weight added, this gave us an average distance of 5.04m. For the second plane we added one paper clip to on of the wings which gave us an average distance of 3.64m. For the last plane, we added 2 paper clips to the plane, one on each wing, this gave us an average distance of 4.22m. From the results, we saw that our hypothesis was accepted. “if we add paper clips to the paper airplanes, then the distance flown will be shortened because the plane is heavier and weighs it down. Overall the distances did shorten using a comparison with plane 1 to planes 2,3. 

What I learnt:
Through this experiment I learnt a variety of things. The main thing I learnt was that both balance and weight are important factors that affect the distance traveled. When you compare the 1st plane average of 5.04m to the 2nd plane average of 3.64m, we can see that the distance decreased significantly. This is because of imbalance in one of the wings since there was only 1 paper clip on one of the wings. The heavier wing dragged down the other wing causing a shorter overall distance. When we compare the 2nd plane to the 3rd plane, we can see that the 3rd plane with an average of 4.22m has a longer distance. This is because the wings are balanced in terms of weight since there was one paper clip on each wing. In addition, when we compare the 1st and 3rd planes we see an overall decrease in distance, this is because the added weight of the paperclips in the 3rd plane dragged down the plane overall.

What I would do differently next time:
Something I would do differently next time is to move to a different location. This is because during our 2nd trial of our 3rd plane, when the plane was flying, it hit a locker resulting in a shorter distance of 3.26m compared the the other distances of around 4.4m. This lead to smaller average which would have been different if it did not hit the locker. The last thing I would do is test out the planes with more paper clips with an even number on each wing. For example, the 1st plane with no clips, the 2nd plane with 3 clips on each wing, and the 3rd plane with 6 clips on each wing. This will show a more solid result of a plane that is evenly distributed in weight, and how much of a difference that makes on the distance traveled of a paper plane.

Community Connection


For my Community Connections assignment, I decided to interview Amy Leong. Amy is a Real Estate Agent/Advisor located in Vancouver, she helps people find their dream homes as well as teaches people how to intelligently invest in the real estate market while looking at the investing trends. I came across Amy on the social media platform Instagram. I saw her profile and I quickly realized how amazing her accomplishments are as well as seeing that she was located not too far from here, and I decided to dm her, a couple of hours later she responded to my surprise. A couple of years ago I realized that I wanted to become a Real Estate agent (specifically commercial.) This interview taught me the essential moves and mentality in order for me to become a successful Real Estate Agent in the future, such as to thoroughly studying Real Estate investments and the market. Additionally, if I make smart decisions throughout my career there would be no restrictions to my success. Furthermore, here is the interview.

Amy & Ally Speaking at Inman Connect Now 2020


1. Can you explain your roles and responsibilities with your current position? 

“I currently work as my own boss and have a team so my roles are to create strategic ways to find more business and have business coming to myself and my team. I act as a business manager and I am constantly working on the back end (website, lead generation, client relationships, birthdays, market updates, email marketing, newsletter, investor relations, pre-construction opportunities and ensuring current deals are going smoothly.)”

2. What obstacles have you faced to get where you are today?

“Starting when I was 30 as a realtor may sound old enough but I looked quite young and still do. I thought that was a disadvantage but I used it to arm myself with untouchable knowledge in the field of real estate so clients of all age groups and demographics would listen to me as their advisor and choose me over 14,000+ agents”

3. What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

“If you are a go-getter and want to be in a career where there are no limits to your success, this is a wonderful career. Very rewarding monetarily if you are willing to work hard. It’s not for someone who wants to work part-time or someone who likes the same thing. The real estate market is constantly moving and it takes a lot of education and studying to understand why things are priced the way they are. Why one property will make money, and why another won’t.”
“I would advise on owning real estate yourself first before becoming an agent so you go through the experience and can speak confidently. I would also advise on studying investment real estate inside and out.”

4. Why are you passionate about your job or role?

“I love making people money through smart real estate moves. I feel like a master chess player that has figured out a cool algorithm that works if you follow it. I’ve done it myself and own over 12 properties worth $7M at age 37. And I LOVE to teach others of all ages how to become a millionaire in real estate within 10 years with any job. I also love that people trust me with their biggest life purchases and this is so special. I also love to teach people to cross border investing strategies and especially teaching women how to take control of their financial futures.”

5. What has been something that motivates you that has helped you become successful?

“I have had people in my life say I couldn’t make more than $100,000 per year and I didn’t want to listen, it only motivated me more to find investment groups and surround myself with people achieving great things and taking real action. I also left home at age 18 and had to support myself through university and working full time. And I thought to myself, I’m going to do something that most women will not do. I’m going to own 3 properties by 30 years old and 10 properties by 40. I’m happy to say that happened 🥳💓”

6. What would you say is your biggest accomplishment throughout your career.

“My biggest accomplishment is achieving Top 25 agents in North America and Mexico for all of Engel & Volkers America’s out of 8,000 agents. It was not easy. And also achieving Top 100 agents in Greater 𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐕𝐄𝐑. Very proud of myself and my partner Ally Ballam. We call ourselves the energizer bunnies 🐰.”

End statement

With this online interview, I think that it oppend up lots of more oppurtunities for me. First off, I saw the different persepctives that this career brought. Although this job comes with lots of responsibilites and hard work, in return it can be a lot of fun and extremley rewarding. It also gave me the oppurtunity to be able to get more in-depth insight into any questions because Amy was kind enough to offer advice when I need it even on her busy schedule. This interview was very opening in the aspect of the explinations of the real estate agent and working the way up from the bottom. I would like to say thank you to Amy for his time and help with this assignment.