Chemistry 11 – Midterm Self-Assessment and Goal-Setting

Strength and Weakness content paragraph: 

A strength I have for the atomic theory was orbital diagrams as well as electron arrangement. I think a weakness I had was remembering the core content from last year which led to some mistakes on the unit test. A strength I have for the bonding unit was learning how to draw the vespr diagrams, and determining polar and non-polar molecules, I think this is because I practiced a lot of worksheet questions over and over again until I had a good understanding. A weakness I had for the bonding unit was more of the theory part we learnt in the beginning of the unit as well as the intermolecular bonding. A strength I had for the mole unit was the unit conversions as well as the labs, this unit gave me a good understanding on how to complete labs efficiently. A weakness I had for this unit was STP and SATP.

End of Semester update: Goal reflection 

My goal during mid-semester was to study a little everyday. I would say I was partly successful with this goal as I saw an increase with my studying especially with going to the library at least 3 times a week. This showed me better results both academically and with my understanding, this also helped reduce the amount of silly mistakes I made during tests, quizzes, or labs. Something that I found to be very successful during long study sessions was to go with a friend or classmate as I was able to ask questions or take small breaks with them. I am still working towards learning on how to study effectively, although I learnt that studying at the library was significantly more effective, there were still times I felt that I wasted time procrastinated. Moving forward I will try different studying techniques to see which one works for me.